
New Blog on Community Engagement and University Rankings

Dear Friends,

At the last meeting of GACER in Bonn in May of 2012, Prof Hans Schuetze, one of the best known Higher Education scholars working in the field of comparative studies agreed to lead a discussion about engagement and the rankings game. To this end he has launched a blog space to begin to develop some thoughts about community university engagement in the context of what are popularly known as the "league tables".  Many people working in engaged scholarship feel that the rankings tables are a distraction from more important ways of understanding universities and society.

Incentivising Knowledge Exchange: a comparison of vision, strategies, policy and practice in English and Scottish HE

Please find below and attached a report funded by the Society for Research in Higher Education on incentivising knowledge exchange in English and Scottish Higher Education. The report was co-authored by Fumi Kitagawa and Claire Lightowler.

Three Principles for Reconstructing the Economy

Having written at great length on these topics,  I have tried to condense some main points into a few words, hoping to attract the attention of the majority with only a few minutes to read,   The topic is nothing less than how to save humanity and the biosphere.  "The economy" refers indifferently to national economies, regional economies, and the global economy.   The premise of this indifference is, as Charles Taylor would say, that the constitutive rules are the same in all three cases.

Lectureship in Adult Education - University of Glasgow

Details of a new post within the School of Education at the University of Glasgow, the European base of PASCAL are found here. The person appointed will join an expanding staff grouping in the field of post-compulsory education.

The Main Duties and Responsibilities are as follows:

People's Sustainability Treaty on Higher Education

As you will remember, the "Big Tent" group of regional and international networks in community university engagement developed a communique during the Living Knowledge Conference in Bonn, Germany on May 14, 2012.  This document was sent to the Rio conference courtesy of Daniella Tilbury and the Copernicus Alliance.

The Cape Town Statement of 2001 on the Characteristic Elements of a Lifelong Learning Higher Education Institution

I was reminded of the Cape Town statement recently by Jin Yang of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning in Hamburg. It was developed at the conference on Lifelong Learning, Higher Education and Active Citizenship held from the 10 - 12 October 2000 in Cape Town, co-hosted by University of Western Cape, the UNESCO Institute for Education and the Adult Education Research Group of the Danish National University of Education. I attach it here for us to reflect on how in the past decade universities have progressed in relation to the criteria laid out in the statement.

University Engagement and Environmental Sustainability: Grounding Knowledge. An Opportunity for publication.

Dear Colleagues,

We are in the process of putting together a publication that is part of a PASCAL book series concerned with universities and regional engagement to be published by the University of Manchester Press.  The series as a whole has already been approved by the publisher, and the first three books have been completed by the authors/editors.

LLL driving universities’ ambitions for teaching and research? Workshop at University of Glasgow 14/15 May 2012 - Register Now

Lifelong learning driving universities’ ambitions for advanced teaching and research? Dare we? Can we? Let’s!

14/15 May

Within many universities, lifelong learning and adult education teeter on the brink of a vicious cycle of low status, poor resourcing, and reducing relevance. Within Europe and the wider world departments devoted to adult education are under threat while universities shift focus from the marginalised to attracting talented researchers and raising their international profile.

Academic Impact - United Nations

Subscribers may be interested to know that U21 is a partner to the UN's Academic Impact initiative and has consultative status with the Economic and Social Committee of the UN (ECOSOC), the only network of universities with that status.

Lifelong Learning in Later Life: A Handbook on Older Adult Learning

I have just received information from Peter Mayo about a new book by Brian Findsen and Marvin Formosa - Lifelong Learning in Later Life : A Handbook on Older Adult Learning* (here on Amazon).

*Selections from the opening chapters are featured below.

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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