Learning Cities Revisited: A New Way Forward

Nov 27 2012 12:30
RMIT City campus, Storey Hall
Building 16, level 7, seminar room 1, 342-348 Swanston St

Learning communities, cities and regions have been an important topic over the past decade. They have come to represent an important approach to describing how places respond to emerging challenges, bringing key organisations and people together to learn how to invent new responses to these challenges.

This presentation will draw on the PASCAL International Exchange (PIE) project, which has brought together perspectives from 15 ‘learning cities’ in different parts of the world, and set the project against various debates about how the practical development of learning cities might develop over the next few years.

Professor Bruce Wilson, Director of the European Union Centre at RMIT University
Professor John Fien, Professor of Sustainability, Innovation Leadership programme, RMIT University
Dr Leone Wheeler, Program Director of Learning Community Partnerships, RMIT Hamilton

Free event. All welcome. A light lunch will be served.

Please RSVP to [email protected] for catering purposes

European Union Centre at RMIT
Building 5, Level 2, Room 21
T:   +61 3 9925 8214
F:   +61 3 9925 8820
E:   eucentre@rmit.edu.au

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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