Designing the research environment and future you want - A talk by Anne Glover, Chief Science Adviser for Europe

Apr 26 2012 17:00
University of Glasgow
Yudowitz (seminar room 1), Wolfson Medical School Building
United Kingdom

Prof Anne Glover, Chief Science Adviser for Europe, will present on the role of researchers in science policy.

This talk is running in conjunction with a two day 'Sustainability, impact and engagement' course for early-career researchers at the University of Glasgow.

Prof Glover's lecture is free and open to the public, and we welcome all with an interest in science policy to attend this talk.

The event will conclude with a reception in the Wolfson Atrium.

Space is limited, therefore those interested in attending should register as soon as possible. 

To register please visit:


Hosted by the University of Glasgow Sustainable Development Network

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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