The Talloires Network E-Newsletter - April 2019

The Talloires Network is one of the partners with whom PASCAL collaborates. The Network enjoys a high profile and is among the several national and international bodies encouraging universities worldwide to adopt a more centrally-focussed universities' 'third mission' commitment to community service in its different senses and settings.

Here is a copy of Talloires Network E-Newletter for April 2019: 
Talloires Network Newsletter

Tufts University || Medford, Massachusetts, USA || 9 April 2019 

Dear Colleagues,

Last month, the Steering Committee held its first conference call meeting of the year. We reviewed  the Network activities and achievements of the previous six month period and approved the proposed work plan. Additionally, we discussed several proposals to host our next global leaders conference, elected two new student representatives, and decided next steps for the Renaming Initiative.

I am pleased to announce that the Steering Committee voted to bring our global university engagement and leadership gathering to North America for the first time. By a strong majority, the committee selected Tufts University and the Tisch College of Civic Life, in partnership with Harvard University and the Institute of Politics at the Kennedy School of Government, in the United States, to host the next Talloires Network Leaders Conference: TNLC2020.

We also voted to elect two new student representatives to serve on the Steering Committee for a two-year term, beginning 1 June 2019. Many thanks to all the outstanding candidates who stood for election. Please join me in welcoming Sara Gouth (Effat University, Saudia Arabia) and Chau Au (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) to the Steering Committee.

I would like to thank our members and partners who participated in the Renaming Initiative online survey. We appreciate your thoughtful input. The Steering Committee reviewed the survey results and agreed to a process and timeline for advancing the initiative, which includes the establishment of a sub-committee. Stay tuned for further details.

It is my pleasure to announce the Network’s newest Engaged Member: King’s College London. In February, King’s College London hosted the second Talloires Network meeting of UK universities. The group—now 11 universities strong—met to discuss the challenges and benefits of forming regional networks, the Carnegie Community Engagement Classification, and ways to measure institutional engagement.
Lastly, we thank Brianda Hernández Cavalcanti for her work as Program Administrator. Since she joined the secretariat in 2013, the Network has held two global conferences (Cape Town, South Africa, and Veracruz, Mexico) and expanded the depth of our connection in the global south. Best wishes to her as she moves on to the next stage of her career.

Anthony P. Monaco
President, Tufts University
Chair, Talloires Network Steering Committee


TALLOIRES NETWORK NEWS Talloires Network Meeting of UK Universities

In February 2019, King’s College London hosted the second TN meeting of UK universities to discuss the challenges and benefits of establishing national and regional networks for university civic engagement, the Carnegie Community Engagement Classification International pilot, and ways to measure institutional engagement. Learn more

Renaming Initiative - Survey Results

The secretariat conducted an online survey to build membership awareness about the name change and to solicit input from a variety of perspectives. 44 members and partners representing 17 countries on 6 continents participated in the survey. Learn more



The Talloires Network Is Hiring!
The Program Administrator position combines leadership and organizational responsibilities. S/he will contribute to the formulation, design, and implementation of new programs, and oversee outreach to and relationships with member institutions and regional partners. The Program Administrator will organize global conferences, workshops, and bi-annual Steering Committee meetings. Learn more




University of the Western Cape Welcomes South Africa’s
Good Green Deeds Programme

President Cyril Ramaphosa launched a ground-breaking national Good Green Deeds Programme in March 2019 that will promote sustainable waste management and environmental awareness – two things that the University of the Western Cape holds in high regard. Learn more



The Australian Literacy & Numeracy Foundation Wins SXSW Award
The Living First Language Platform preserves and revitalizes Indigenous First Languages and turns them into dynamic, community-led and interactive digital literacy apps. In March 2019, the platform won in its category of ‘Innovation in Connecting People’ at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Innovation Awards in Austin, Texas. More here



UC Davis Public Scholarship Office Unveils Draft Plan
Less than six months after its founding, the Office of Public Scholarship and Engagement has published a draft plan to expand the visibility and impact of UC Davis research and teaching. The plan, “Public Scholarship for the Public Good: An Implementation Framework for UC Davis,” with goals and next steps for the office, is available online and open for comment until 22 April 2019.

Simon Fraser University and Hong Kong PolyU Symposium to Share Best Practices in Dementia Care
Simon Fraser University and Hong Kong Polytechnic University are collaborating on the Knowledge Mobilization Symposium on Person-Centred Care for Older Adults With Dementia on 6-7 May 2019 in Vancouver, Canada. The event, which is open to the public, will bring together eldercare stakeholders in policy, practice and academia from both countries to showcase best practices and innovations in person-centred care for older adults with dementia.


OPPORTUNITIES AND CONFERENCES MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship 

The MacJannet Prize was established by the Talloires Network and the MacJannet Foundation to recognize exceptional student community engagement initiatives at Talloires Network Engaged Member universities and contribute financially to their ongoing public service efforts. The deadline for nominations has been extended to 12 April 2019. Learn more



International Service-Learning Researcher’s Symposium in Argentina
The V Service Learning Researcher's Symposium will be held 28 August 2019 within the framework of the activities of the International Service Learning Week. The Symposium will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This new edition is organized by Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario. The deadline to submit papers is 15 April 2019. Learn more



Central and Eastern European Service-Learning Week in Romania
The next Central and Eastern European Service-Learning Week will take place from 4-6 July 2019 in the city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. This annual regional meeting is an opportunity for institutions and professionals interested in service-learning pedagogy to meet, share ideas and envision the future of service-learning for the region. Learn more

International Conference on
Sustainable Development Goals and Higher Education in Spain

The Global University Network for Innovation adopted a strategic line of action around the 2030 Agenda and the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals with a focus on partnerships, knowledge and research. The next international conference will be held in Barcelona, Spain, 5-6 March 2020. Call for contributions will open on 29 April 2019. Learn more




Book: University-Community Engagement in the Asia Pacific 

This edited volume provides a framework for understanding academic public good and offers case studies and perspectives as in depth examples of the ways in which colleges and universities engage with the community to produce social benefits. Focusing on the Asia Pacific region, the authors discuss examples of engagement that produce consciousness, partnerships, and services that are broadly available to the public and enhance the progress of society. Learn more

Book: Feminist Praxis Revisited - Critical Reflections on University-Community Engagement 
Women’s and Gender Studies practitioners reflect on how the field has sought to integrate its commitment to activism and social change with community-based learning in post-secondary institutions. This book examines how Women’s and Gender Studies programs can continue to prioritize the foundational critiques of inequality, power, privilege, and identity in the face of a post-secondary push toward praxis as resumé building, skills acquisition, and the bridging of town-and-gown differences. Learn more



Book: Democracy, Civic Engagement and Citizenship in Higher Education: Reclaiming Our Civic Purpose
Democracy is more than voting: it includes a wide range of democratic practices and depends on a culture of civic participation. Critical for strengthening democracy is the role that higher education leaders play in educating their constituencies about their responsibilities of citizenship. Learn more

Policy Brief: Towards a European Framework for Community Engagement
in Higher Education

The objective of the TEFCE project is to develop innovative and feasible policy tools at the university and European level for supporting, monitoring and assessing the community engagement of higher education institutions. This policy brief summarizes the findings of “Mapping and Critical Synthesis of Current State-of-the-Art on Community Engagement in Higher Education.” Learn more



Article: How Latin American Universities Can Be Drivers of Change

How do citizens learn to engage? How can citizens develop social responsibility, agency and leadership skills? In this article, Alicia Cantón shares a model that explains the factors that contribute to enhancing the undergraduate student’s civic engagement and the strategic actions and programs that universities can design to foster engaged civic leaders. Some universities leading the way include Tecnológico de Monterrey. Learn more
Copyright © 2019, Tufts University, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Talloires Network Secretariat, Lincoln Filene 301
10 Upper Campus Rd
Medford, MA 02155, USA
[email protected]

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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