The Maturing of the MOOC: Review of current thinking released today

The Maturing of the MOOC: Literature review of Massive Open Online Courses and other Forms of Online and Distance Learning’, a report for the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, is launched today. The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education is pleased to have co-authored this comprehensive review of the MOOCs phenomenon, with e-learning consultant Stephen Haggard and the Centre for Distance Education at the University of London International Programmes. The report is featured below and attached.

The report highlights the wide diversity of opinions and arguments about MOOCs and gives visibility to both critical and enthusiastic voices. It consists of a comprehensive review of literature related to MOOCs and open and distance learning (ODL), and includes research suggestions and recommendations. It aims to capture the state of knowledge and opinion about MOOCs and ODL, how they are evolving, and to identify issues that are important, whether consensual or controversial.

Some key points made in the report are:

  • Conflicting perspectives on MOOCs divide education communities
  • Learning practitioners disagree about the value of MOOCs
  • Formal comprehensive analyses of MOOCs mostly concur that they are disruptive and possibly threatening to current HE models
  • Reporting of MOOC learner experiences is positive
  • The MOOC is maturing – and engaging with its business and accreditation issues

We hope you find this report interesting.

Kind regards,

Teresa Angulo, Executive Administrator
The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education
Redhill, Surrey
Twitter:  @TheOBHE

Maturing_of_the_MOOC.pdf1.91 MB

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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