Launch of the CR&DALL Working Paper Series

The first edition of the CR&DALL Working Paper Series (WP101/2015) has been launched with a paper by Paul Benneworth (CHEPS, University of Twente) and Mike Osborne (CR&DALL, University of Glasgow) entitled Understanding universities and entrepreneurship education: towards a comprehensive future research agenda.

This first paper is published jointly by CHEPS and CR&DALL and is available online free to subscribers of CR&DALL. Future CR&DALL Working Papers will only be available on a subscription basis, details to follow.

The Working Paper series provides a forum for work in progress which seeks to elicit comments and generate discussion. The series includes academic research by CR&DALL Core Members, Affiliates and Associates, PhD students and invited guest contributors.

Editor: Dr Muir Houston

Editorial board: Prof. Nicki Hedge; Dr Catherine Lido & Dr Jesus Granados-Sanchez


See: CR&DALL Working Papers...

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