Jean Monnet Programme - Key Activity 1- Call for proposals 2013

Within the Lifelong Learning Programme, the first key activity of the Jean Monnet Programme brings together the two instruments formerly known as the Jean Monnet Action and the Support for Study and Research Centres. The actions supported under this key activity aim to stimulate excellence in teaching, research, reflection and debate in European integration studies in higher education institutions within and outside the European Union.

European Integration studies involve the study of the origins and evolution of the European Communities and the European Union in all its aspects. European integration studies cover the analysis of both the internal and external dimension of European integration, including the European Union's role in the dialogue between peoples and cultures. Comparative studies concerning national practices are not regarded as European integration studies.

The Jean Monnet Programme is now present in more than 70 countries throughout the world and more than 800 universities offer Jean Monnet courses as part of their curricula. The Jean Monnet Programme brings together a network of about 1,700 professors, reaching audiences of 265,000 students every year.

Action Types

The types of actions connected with the objectives of the key activity are Jean Monnet Chairs, Centres of Excellence and Modules, focusing on teaching activities and support for Associations of Professors and Researchers, for Information and Research Activities relating to European integration and "Learning EU at School", and for Multilateral Research Groups.

Teaching activities

  • Jean Monnet Chair
    A symbolic term corresponding to a full-time teaching post with a specialization in European integration studies covering a minimum 90 teaching hours per academic year.
  • "Ad personam" Jean Monnet Chair
    Teaching and research posts with a specialization in European integration studies. Reserved for (i) former Jean Monnet Chair holders with evidence of high-level international teaching and publication record and/or (ii) professors with a distinguished background as former high-level practitioners in the field of European integration.
  • Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
    This is a clearly labelled multi-disciplinary structure pooling scientific, human and documentary resources for European integration studies and research within one or more universities.
  • European Module
    This is a short programme of European integration study of minimum 40 teaching hours per academic year, which may be multi-disciplinary in approach.

Academic and research activities

  • Support for associations of professors and researchers specializing in European integration
    Addresses associations whose explicit purpose is to contribute to the study of the European integration process and whose aim is to enhance the visibility of regional or national scientific and physical resources in this domain.
  • Support for information and research activities relating to European integration
    Aims to promote discussion, reflection and knowledge about the European integration process.
  • Support for information and research activities for “Learning Europe at School”  
    Aims to bring European Union facts and knowledge on its Institutions and its way of functioning at the level of primary and secondary schools and in vocational education and training. Primary and secondary schools are not eligible to apply under this call.
  • Jean Monnet multilateral research groups
    A research partnership between at least three Jean Monnet Chairs from three different countries leading to the creation of an integrated academic network with a joint research plan and pluridisciplinary synergies in the field of European integration studies.


Deadline for proposal submission

15 February 2013, 12:00 noon (CET)

Please Note:

* Since 2012, applications can only be sent online. Any other form of application will not be taken into account; for this reason, we advise you not to wait until the very last minute to submit your application – technical problems are always possible;  

* Make sure that you are within the right programme and have completed the correct form, see at;

* All applicants fulfilling the required conditions are invited to submit their applications. Previously unsuccessful applicants should by no means be discouraged by this fact – the Commission has a limited amount of funds per year and is therefore compelled, on budgetary grounds, not to finance more than approximately 20% of applications; it does not necessarily follow that these applicants will not be successful within a new application.   

European Union Centre at RMIT
Building 5, Level 2, Room 21
T:   +61 3 9925 8214
F:   +61 3 9925 8820

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