University of Glasgow School of Education Seminar: Widening Participation

Feb 14 2013 13:30
University of Glasgow School of Education
11 Eldon Street

Professor Dupriez will discuss the core aspects of his recently published article "Social Inequalities of Post-Secondary Educational Aspirations: Influence of Social Background, School Composition and Institutional Context" published in the European Educational Research Journal Volume 11 Number 4 2012 (see below).

Abstract: The first goal of this article is to assess, for each country belonging to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the influence of pupils’ sociocultural background on educational aspirations. The second goal is to explore whether, after controlling for educational achievement, the residual influence of sociocultural background is still significant. In addition, the author estimates whether the sociocultural and academic characteristics of school composition have an additional impact on educational aspirations in this group of countries. Finally, the co-authors show that the structural characteristics of school systems moderate the influence of individual characteristics and school composition on educational aspirations.

Vincent Dupriez is Professor in Education and Head of GIRSEF (Interdisciplinary Research Group in Sociology, Psychology and Education) at University of Louvain, Belgium.

More information:

Questions and discussion are encouraged as part of the Seminar.

Dupriez_EERJ_11_4.pdf146.01 KB

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