Learner Journeys - Origins, Experiences and Destinations - FACE 2013

Jul 3 2013
Jul 5 2013
Plymouth University
Rolle Building

This is a personal invitation to be part of a very special conference: The FACE Annual Conference which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year is being hosted by Plymouth University, 3 - 5 July.

The Conference title for this unique event is "Learner Journeys - Origins, Experiences and Destinations". This title captures and reflects the longstanding concern and interest of FACE members and their institutions in putting learners at the heart of higher education. At a time of enormous change in the landscape of access and widening participation this conference will provide an ideal opportunity, through both the plenary and workshop sessions, to explore and respond to these key changes.

Networking has always been a vital part of FACE conferences and this year will be no exception with a celebratory gala dinner on 4 July and informal networking events throughout the three days where there will be lots of opportunities to meet up with FACE friends as well as make new ones.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Professor Les Ebdon | Director, Office for Fair Access
  • Sarah Howells | Head of Student Opportunity, HEFCE
  • Professor Phil Race | Emeritus Professor, Leeds Metropolitan University
  • Professor Pauline Kneale | Director of Teaching and Learning, Plymouth University

Finally, please find featured below and attached the Conference flyer which gives booking and related information. Also keep an eye on the FACE Annual Conference website for conference news and updates at www.face2013.org  

See you in Plymouth!

Professor John Storan


FACE-2013-Flyer.pdf996.41 KB

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