Getting Maximum Value from Horizon 2020 - The Largest Research Funding Program in the World

Aug 27 2015 12:30
RMIT City Campus Council Chamber Building 1, level 2R
124-126 La Trobe Street

The European Union has committed close to 80 million euros to Horizon 2020, its research and innovation program, between 2014 and 2020. Australian researchers are invited to participate in the various actions available under Horizon 2020.

The EU Centre is delighted to announce that Dr Rado Faletic and Dr Martin Grabert will join us to provide an overview of the opportunities available with EU research funding, with particular emphasis on the 2016-17 Work Program. There will be an opportunity after the seminar for researchers with current EU connections to meet with Dr Faletic and Dr Grabert.

The European Union Centre at RMIT is very pleased to invite you to a public event on Thursday the 27th of August, with Martin Grabert & Rado Faletič, titled: Getting Maximum Value From Horizon 2020 - The Largest Research Funding Program In The World’:

When: 27TH AUGUST, 2015 12:30pm – 2:00pm

With: Dr Martin Grabert & Dr Rado Faletič Montroix Pty Ltd.

Where: RMIT, CITY CAMPUS, Council Chamber Building 1, level 2R, 124 -126 La Trobe St, Melbourne VIC 3000

RSVP: [email protected]

 A light lunch will be served

European Union Centre at RMIT
Building 5, Level 2, Room 21
T:   +61 3 9925 8214
F:   +61 3 9925 8820

27.08.15_horizon_2020.pdf484.65 KB

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