Call for Presentations: 2013 Canadian Knowledge Mobilization Forum

Jun 3 2013
Jun 4 2013
Centre for Health & Safety Innovation
5110 Creekbank Road

The 2013 Canadian Knowledge Mobilization Forum is your opportunity to share what you know and to push the current boundaries of what we do as KMb professionals. This event provides access to some of the best minds and most creative practitioners in the field.  Come to share what you know so we can create together.

Full details below and on the Knowledge Mobilization Institute website. Also included below is the report from the 2012 Forum.


Knowledge Mobilization Works
Canadian Knowledge Mobilization Forum
2013 edition
Press Release
Knowledge Mobilization Works & Knowledge Mobilization Institute Announces

Working together in Knowledge Mobilization: 
closing the loop between research and practice
June 3 & 4, 2013

Mississauga - Centre for Health & Safety Innovation

5110 Creekbank Road, 

Mississauga, ON, L4W 0A1 Canada


First Call for Presentations: February 22, 2013 - for inclusion in Connection Grants application to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada led by Forum Chair, Dr. David Phipps





Second Call for Presentations & Posters may be opened if required


Description of the Forum

Last year - 2012 - marked a watershed point in professional development for knowledge mobilization (KMb) practitioners, researchers, students and support personnel.  Major international conferences and events brought together more people in more places to discuss the broad range of issues affecting the movement of research findings into practice and policy & the movement of practice and policy issues back into research questions.


There is a growing National community in knowledge mobilization.  Whether we call our work knowledge mobilization, knowledge transfer, dissemination, implementation science, or by the shorthand of K*- our work is gaining in both influence and demand.  There are now significantly more professional training programs today and social media streams are filled with discussions and conversations about emerging practice and new methods for creating value from knowledge.  Although KMb has seen significant growth over the past decade, the need to comprehensively and systematically address key questions as they evolve and change is growing.


The 2013 Canadian Knowledge Mobilization Forum (June 3-4, 2013, Centre for Health & Safety Innovation in Mississauga, ON) will continue and build on the conversation started last year in Ottawa.  For more information on the 2012 event, please download a copy of the report:


By continuing to assemble practitioners, researchers, students, administrators, thought leaders, and others engaged in the art and science of knowledge mobilization, we can create: better practice; better policy and supports; more effective monitoring and evaluation systems; enhanced training processes; improved employment and job classification policies; more efficient implementation procedures; and further innovation, all with an ultimate goal of greater value for society.


The 2013 Canadian Knowledge Mobilization Forum is your opportunity to share what you know and to push the current boundaries of what we do as KMb professionals. This event provides access to some of the best minds and most creative practitioners in the field.  Come to share what you know so we can create together.

  • Keynote speakers and panels will include: Inspirational Practitioners, Master Networkers, Visionary and Action Oriented Thinkers.
  • Participatory Knowledge Cafes will address key issues.
  • Practitioners will share the best of what they have learned as well as their current challenges.
  • Researchers and students will share the latest cutting-edge theories, research findings, and methodologies.
  • You'll discover new innovations, products and applications for knowledge mobilization as well as participating in practical skills workshops.
  • Colleagues and peers will connect through extended networking opportunities.


Please submit your session or poster proposal under the following 4 themes. Each presentation will be 20 minutes long. We encourage formats that include discussion, as well as presentation time. Posters will also be accepted.

Download this WORD form Canadian Knowledge Mobilization Forum - participant details and email to [email protected]



1) Building on existing capacity and building new capacity

2) Learning from each other: Comparisons across sectors

3) The Next Generation - Students and Apprentices in Knowledge Mobilization

4) Methods, Tools, and Theories: The Art and Craft of Knowledge Mobilization


We suggest using the following as a guideline for the content that you will present:

  • Practice:  Focus on what you are doing.  What are the results you are achieving?  What are the challenges you are facing?
  • Research:  Present in plain language, any research results related to knowledge mobilization regardless of subject area.
  • Innovation: How knowledge mobilization is actually being developed and applied? - new reports, decision aids, software, and mobile applications - what helps move what we know into action?
  • Organizational: Share emerging practice related to the business and development of knowledge mobilization activities.  How are your offices organized? How do you evaluate performance? How do you classify KMb workers? What does it take to lead others? What workplace structures facilitate knowledge mobilization?

Early submission and registration is recommended due to the limited number of spaces available at this event.

Workshop: Communities of practice: creating, managing, sustaining 
February 11, 2013 (Ottawa - Fairmont Chateau Laurier, 7th floor)

Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly (E. Wenger).  This workshop will help you tap into the collective intelligence of your workplace.  Learn how to link together, clarify problems, and create solutions faster than ever before.  The workshop emphasizes practical solutions based on real people in real places trying to address difficult problems. 

About Knowledge Mobilization Works
Founded in January 2007, Knowledge Mobilization Works is a private corporation focused on data visualization processes that provide mobile and just-in-time infographics to large users of in-house data-sets, allowing greater uptake and comprehension of operational data by field staff. We also provide consulting, facilitating, imagineering, and training resources to a diverse client base in government, non-profit, and business. We specialize in developing creative solutions to organizational uses of data, information, and knowledge. KMbW is based in Ottawa, Canada.


About Knowledge Mobilization Institute
Founded in January 2013, the Knowledge Mobilization Institute is a non-profit corporation dedicated to collaboration and community engagement; learning and capacity development; applied research and policy support, and evaluation and monitoring.  We help people use the tools of knowledge mobilization to create value in their organizations and communities. KMbI is based in Ottawa, Canada.


Contact Information:

1 Rideau Street, Suite 700, Ottawa, ON, K1N 8S7  

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