
This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

New GCRF Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods (CSHLC) at the University of Glasgow

The University of Glasgow has been awarded a grant worth £7.1 million to set up a GCRF Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods (CSHLC). The award is part of a £225m international research funding announcement made today by Higher Education Minister Jo Johnson.

NEP: New Economics Papers - Social Norms and Social Capital - Digest, Vol 80, Issue 2

In this issue we feature 11 current papers on the theme of social capital:

Global Engagement Meetings (GEMs) application form now live

Colleagues with the PASCAL network may be interested in this opportunity to be briefing on the Global Challenges Research Fund in Bogota, Dehli and Pretoria, which are occuring in the Autumn.

A series of reports from the Strengthening the Regional Engagement Role of Universities in Africa and Asia (SRERUAA) project in Cape Town

We are pleased to present a series of summary reports from the Strengthening the Regional Engagement Role of Universities in Africa and Asia (SRERUAA) project in Cape Town.

Refugee Week, disengaged young learners, mental health and more - ACE News, 26 June 2017

Refugee Week focussed attention on the issues people who have been forced to leave their homes face in a new country, new research identified the economic and social consequences of dropping out of school and rural mental health initiatives incorporating community education were all in the news this week.

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa