
This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

Job Vacancies: Panel Tutors, Curriculum Design Specialists - Institute of Continuing Education, University of Cambridge

We are currently looking to engage specialists in the fields of Engineering and Business Management to design suitable ‘current topics’ course components which would form elements of a new award-bearing FHEQ level 6 course primarily for international students.

Open University - External Examiner sought

Liz Marr at the Open University is seeking possible external examiners for an EdD on Student Retention on a Foundation Programme in the UAE.

Latest news on European research in learning and work [L&W] - August 2017

Particularly worth noting in this edition are calls for papers or proposals relating to: the International Congress on Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) in Winterthur/Switzerland and UALL 2018 on "Opportunities for lifelong learning in a changing world" in Cambridge UK (see Conferences), the VET Research Award of the European Commission 2017 and the ESREA seminar on pioneers in European adult education in Paris (see Networks and Organisations), the two Winter Schools "Comparative studies in adult education and lifelong learning" in Würzburg/Germany and "International Perspectives on Education Policy (IPEP)" in Verona/Italy (see Programmes) and the CEDEFOP call for tender on the potential of work-based learning (see Projects).

Mapping the Field of Adult and Continuing Education - An International Compendium

The field of Adult and Continuing Education (ACE) has long been influential beyond its already porous borders and continues to be a source of important ideas, inspiration, and innovative practices for those in disciplines such as educational administration, social work, nursing, and counseling. Recognizing this, the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education commissioned the editors to create this compendium, which provides an invaluable resource to readers already established in the field, those entering the field, and to myriad neighbors of the field as well.

Adult literacy, sustainability education, positive ageing and more - ACE News, 24 July 2017

Adult literacy initiatives that make a difference, how adult learning can shape attitudes and improve mental health and well-being, and the power of social activism in educating communities and changing behaviours are all featured in this week's news.

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa