Mike Osborne's blog

Accommodation Options for PASCAL 2016 in Glasgow

We have made arrangements for the reservation of a limited number of rooms for delegates with a number of hotels close to the university campus within various price ranges for the nights of 2, 3 and 4 June 2016 as follows:

Our hearts go out to all victims of terror

On behalf of PASCAL we post below a response made by our colleague Chris Duke on the campaigning website 38 Degrees with which we are sure that PASCAL subscribers will wish to echo. We could add many more examples of terrorist acts even in the last week, such as that of the 224 Russians most likely murdered over the Sinai desert, and as Chris says our hearts are with all victims of such atrocities.

Glasgow - European Entrepreneurial Region for 2016

In July 2015, the  President of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), Markku Markkula, awarded Glasgow (UK), Lombardia (IT) and Małopolska (PL) as European Entrepreneurial Regions (EER) 2016. The Award ceremony was held in Brussels  after a jury, consisting of members from EU institutions and business associations, selected the regions' strategies as the best to promote entrepreneurship and spread innovation among small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

2nd International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC) - PASCAL Delegation

We are pleased to announce that following an invitation as partners to UNESCO's Global Network of Learning Cities, PASCAL Observatory is sending the following delegation to the 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities in Mexico City, taking place from 28-30 September 2015:

Benchmarking of Future City/Regions

The project Benchmarking Future City/Regions may be of interest to subscribers. The following is an extract from its website and describes its aims:

Future of Cities - Latest Publication

The latest publication of the UK Government Office for Science's Foresight Group led by Sir Alan Wilson on the Future of Cities has just been published. The Business of Cities authored by Emily Moir and Greg Clark looks at the way in which the relationship between cities and business is evolving.

Innovation in Higher Education in Europe - a new report with PASCAL inputs

The final report and annexes of case studies from a Study on Innovation in Higher Education undertaken for the European Union in 2013 led by LSE Enterprise and the Panteia Group have just been published. PASCAL undertook two of the case studies within this study, which are found in the annex as follows:

Trans-Atlantic Platform for Social Sciences and the Humanities

I have recently been alerted to this opportunity by Budd Hall: The Trans-Atlantic Platform for Social Sciences and the Humanities appears to me to be a welcome development.<--break-> In summary as the website says:

Gaza: Tradition and Leadership in a Learning City in the 6th Century AD

I am delighted to report that Jan Stenger, MacDowell Professor of Greek, Classics, University of Glasgow has won funding from the Royal Society of Edinburgh to hold a colloquium in April 2014 followed by a research workshop and public lecture in June 2014.

U21 workshop in Hong Kong - 21 November

The lastest workshop of the U21 RUR network on the topic of Research Universities and their Learning Cities was held at Hong Kong University on 21 November 2013, and hosted by Professor Mark Bray. Delegates attended from the University of Glasgow, Hong Kong University and UBC as well as collaborating universities and cities who are not part of U21. These included the University of Catania, the cities of Cork and Helsinki, Simon Fraser University and the University of Tampere. 

At this point some practical suggestions that emerged from discussion include the following:

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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